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Become a member

The membership fee is 85.00 GBP (currency converter) and valid for one year from date of submission. Please complete the following form, you will then be directed to the PayPal site for payment.

You are not currently an isirv member. As such, the access to our Document repositories and Email lists are not available.

We would be very happy for you to create a new membership, details for which can be found below.

Personal details
Title* Institution
First Name* Address 1*
Last Name* Address 2
Current Position State / Province
Telephone + Postal Code*
Fax + Country*
I agree for my basic contact details to be included in isirv member searches
(Note: your address details will not be shared)
Password* Verify password*
Main areas of interest (rate from 1 to 5, with 5 as the highest)
Human health / disease Zoonoses / ecology
Vaccines Cost benefit and health economics
Policy for control and prevention Antivirals
Animal health / disease Pandemic preparedness
Immunology Epidemiology and surveillance
Viral structure and replication Diagnostics
Other (Please specify)
Which viruses are your main interest?
Membership information
     85.00 GBP   Full isirv membership for one year
     43.00 GBP   Student isirv membership for one year (validation required)
     43.00 GBP   Developing nation isirv membership for one year (validation required)

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